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a place for wizards, fractalism, and things that make you grin

December 22, 2023

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  • grin
    ·17 days ago

    we're wordcelizing ourselves

    There’s an essay (a book?) to be written about how the volume of writing and the speed of production on the internet has made *all* language more imprecise.

    So much of communication today has nothing to do with the meaning of words themselves, but of the things *around* the words: emojis, caps, context, etc.

  • grin
    ·21 days ago

    Half gwern half samo over here

    I’m a Gwern. He liked one of my tweets once, I’ll never forget it 🥺

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  • grin
    ·a month ago

    composing is writing with sounds

  • grin
    ·a month ago

    post a picture of you from a different era

    post a picture of you from a different era

  • grin
    ·2 months ago

    My 2025 resolution is to keep becoming even more myself

  • grin
    ·3 months ago

    my growth this year:
    - better at challenging directly + caring deeply
    - working harder + more effectively than ever before, and loving it
    - made peace with memecoins
    - concretely deepened my love and commitment for my family

    This week's prompt: How have you grown as a person in the past year?

    (Quote cast with your reflection by Sunday to be eligible for a 5 USDC reward!)

  • grin
    ·3 months ago

    brb slaughtering some quail

  • grin
    ·4 months ago

    Pace Layers (Grin's Esoteric Truth Remix)

  • grin
    ·4 months ago

    the broader shift coming out of crypto and open source is that our social structures will be rebuilt on top of hard, open protocols.

    the effects of this are deeply underrated

    devs deal with complexity by building layers of abstraction: simple and hard at the bottom, with layered complexity/subjectivity on top as needed. our social structures should do the same.

    there's a seminal legal paper on why property law keeps vacillating between clear, objective, predictable rules (crystals) and flexible, subjective, discretionary interpretations (mud): http://i.grin.io/crystals-and-mud.pd...

    whats special now is that you can have both: crystalline protocols for the objective, with rich subjectivity built on top. like a credit card on crypto rails -- you can use the card if you want chargeback protection or use the blockchain directly if you want an irreversible tx. most humans want the credit card, but direct protocol access is vital for e.g. disruptive startups, novel legal structures, Canadian truckers.

    this was not possible before. US law can only have one setting on the hard<->subjective spectrum.

  • grin
    ·5 months ago

    so many big decisions boil down to Gall's Law vs Chesterton's Fence